Another Monday! I can't believe that this is my last Monday of summer vacation. I am really having mixed feelings. It's going to be a LONG school year. So excited to meet my kiddos, but I sure am going to miss lounging around with my dog and just relaxing. Ahhhh, sweet summer coming to an end....
Another Monday also means,
Monday Made it! Yay! Love this linky! I have been working hard on lots of stuff since I went back into my classroom last Wednesday. I am so proud of myself for being so productive this summer. It is amazing how much time I have saved myself at school doing stuff at home. I do believe it has a lot to do with blogging buddies...they really encourage me to get working and be creative!
So here are a few things I have been working on:
Objectives Posters |
Nothing fancy. I made these on word and printed them off on legal paper. I glued to a piece of construction paper and laminated it. I plan to use these for writing objectives. There are magnets glued to the back. I have an objectives spot in my room where these will go. If you don't want to make your own, I can send you my version in word. Just email me. :)
Table Group Signs |
I did not make the fish! I actually bought the cutouts from the teacher store. They are from Creative Teaching Press and go with the Poppin Patterns theme...which is my theme! They come in a pack of 12. I taped each one to piece of small poster board. They are actually two sided. I wrote in the table names. Every year I name my tables encouraging words. The kids love it and they even use the words when working with peers!
Reading Pointers |
back of pointers with student numbers |
These are what I call reading pointers. The kids will use them during read to self or read with partner for pointing to the words as they read. I got the colored Popsicle sticks from the Dollar Tree. I drew a smiley face on one side and put their student numbers on the back. Students will keep these in their book baskets.
Saw this on Pinterest from Mrs Shannon's first grade class
website. She has some awesome things on there. I decided to make my own..again it's not anything fancy! I am just excited about something that is going to cause one less distraction in class!! If you want my label you can get it
HERE. The clip art is from
Discovery Education , They have some really cute clip art that is free for the most part, just make sure to read the terms.
And that's it for my Monday Made it! :)
So, I went on another trip to Target. I am really addicted. I am also in love with that place. I have decided that since I have to get a summer job next summer (because I might be saving for a very special event ;), I am going to apply to Target. I am not kidding,
Well anyway, have you checked out their party section? They have some cute prizes for kids! They come in packs and are usually between 1 and 3 dollars. I thought these were SUPER cute:
Mini Skateboards |
Mini Hair clips |
I know the kids will love these!
I know you are probably waiting for some pictures of my classroom since I have been in 3 full days already working hard. I did say I was going to post some last Friday, but I just couldn't do it! I want it to be almost completely finished before I show you my classroom. I am going into school for the entire day Tomorrow and then I should be ready for LOTS of pictures. I am pretty excited to share with you!
Okay, okay, I will give you a little peek...remember that table I talked about in my last Monday Made it post? Well, here it is at it's new home:
Guess what? I painted over the polka dots, I couldn't take it anymore! The table is in the writing center. I think it looks good! Yes, that's a giant Sulley from Monster's Inc! The kids love to read with him! He is huge, but I love him. I have had him since my first year of teaching and it's one of those things I will always keep even if I teach high school, ha ha! Would you believe he was only five dollars??
Happy Monday!