Thursday, July 26, 2012

First Day Transportation Blues

Hi friends!

Pretty short post today. I need to actually work on some school stuff instead of just thinking about it in my head. I have piles of things EVERYWHERE. It is getting ridiculous!

 I can't believe it...Next Wednesday I can get into my room, August 13th begins Teacher Institute Days, August 15th is "Teacher Meet and Greet", and August 16th my kiddos come to school for their first day! TIME IS FLYING BY!

I don't know about your school, but figuring out how my students are going home on the first day of school can be VERY stressful. I call it the first day transportation blues. Some parents want to pick their kids up on the first day, some want their kids to go home with siblings, other parents just want their kids to go home the "normal"way. I usually spend my lunchtime trying to find bus numbers or contact parents who did not specify their child's mode of transportation. I created this little form to give to parents to fill out and return to me on the first day of school. If I can get at least 75 percent of them back, it will save a lot of stress. Click on the link below to snag a copy. It is FREE as always. I hope that someone can use it! Send me some love if you do! :)

By the way I changed my WBT Rules posters so anyone can view, I think I had it for private access only (sorry!) so now,  you can check those out HERE or HERE.

Before I go, I do want to thank Ms. Jefferson over at Surviving Sixth and Cheryl over at Spotted Around the School for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award! I feel very special! I will be nominating some blogs for the award soon...but you all know it takes gotta make the right choices! 

Have a happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. This form was a really good idea! I wish we could use it but we don't get our class lists until the Thursday or Friday before school starts so it wouldn't even get to their houses in time :( And we can't even do a mass mailing (though I am sure my school of almost 1000 kids wouldn't spend the $ on postage) because our kids our so transient we never know who is coming back until registration. But... I sure hope it helps you tons because I know all too well those first day transportation blues!
    Third Grade Tidbits


Reading your comments makes me very happy!